29 May 2015

New art!

So I made a new painting today.

I tried splatter paint, but failed, so I just spotted the canvas with a brush.

I really like it.

26 May 2015


Saturday was my birthday. 

I turned 32.

I don't feel any different. 

18 May 2015

Last coozie post... probably...

I just wanted to share one last set of pictures.
This one is mine.

The pattern on the orange I did by hand with a Tulip fabric marker. It's the best thing in the world!

Anyway... I've got a great amount of sewing and grommetting to do.


16 May 2015

Eyelets found!

So a very nice regular at the coffee shop where I work told me that she had a while bunch of tiny eyelets that she wasn't using. She said that if she could remember that she would bring them in for me.

She remembered.

I don't have my ribbon with me so I just used a spare bit of leather cord from the art closet.

This size is so much better.

14 May 2015


So I've been working on my new project and they are coming along rather nicely.

Here is my progress...

All pictures are patterns I got from urbanthreads.com. They are normally for embroidery, but since I don't do that, I just traced them. I may have to invest in a light box to get designs on darker fabrics, but all in due time.

I do love that coffee goddess, but I have to say my favorite is the bunny. He's just so ridiculously cute.

Also, I think I'm gonna keep black thread on all. I used white on the bunny and it just doesn't pop as much as the others. Though I might try red on a future one. I have a lot of fabric to go through.

Now I just need to figure out where to purchase tiny grommets.


12 May 2015

New project

Okay... so I know I start a lot of projects with no intent on finishing, but this one has promise.

Corset Coffee Coozies!

Now this is just the prototype, but it really doesn't need much changed. Longer ribbon. If I can find them, smaller gromets. Maybe I could figure out how to put a bit of quilt batting in it, but that's all.

The best part is that they are reversible!

09 May 2015

My week... (May 3 - May 9)

Am I actually gonna use this blog like I said I was gonna use this blog?

I guess I am.

This past week has been a rough one, and I'm not entirely sure why. It started off fine and was super awesome in the middle, but once Thursday came around I was just super blue.

Guess it's time to stop "forgetting" to take my meds.

So this will get really personal from time to time. I'm okay with sharing, but if you don't want to get that personal with me I would stop reading.


Mondays have been my "take grandma to her appointment" days and let me tell you just how much fun that is. I call her (or she calls me) around 9am to make sure that we are both up. I remind her that her appointment is at 3pm. She tells me she's just going to get ready. Then around noon I get ready and head over to her house and usually find her sitting in her pajamas worrying about some little thing. Usually it's the cats, but this past Monday it was that she was feeling tired. I feed the cats, make a shopping list, and other things. I didn't think we were gonna make her 3pm appointment this week, but somehow we did. She had a list of errands that I had to do while she was in her appointment, so I didn't have to be bored for the hour it take. That was nice. Then we go home and that's it.

Tuesday I mowed the lawn at Grandma's and got a slight sunburn. Then I took our new dog, Rusty, to the vet. For being a free dog, he is turning out to be quite expensive. Heavy matting, hook worm, dirty ears, no RFID chip, Lyme's... just to name a few. But he's the happiest dog I've ever seen.

Wednesday I took my Aunt Peg to RiffTrax: The Room. It was great.

Thursday started great. I had time in the morning to get all my shit in order. I scheduled my month and started working on a budget. Money is something that I've always had a fleeting relationship with. (Please click the ad on the side... I would very much appreciate it.) But since I'm getting everything else in order, I might as well learn to save money.

Then I drove home. There is just something about my house that drains everything out of me. It's hard to explain. I would love to clean the damn place up, but every time I enter the door all motivation drains and I just want to lay on the couch.

Friday started good... I learned how to fill cream puffs and freeze soup at work. That may not sound like anything much, but it is. Then sometime around 2pm I just didn't want to be anymore.

I occasionally get like this. I have talked to people about it. I'm not suicidal, I want to stress that, I just have really low moments and there's nothing I can do about it. So I just veg for a bit and wait for it to pass.

So when Mom got home last night to me just laying on the couch... that was why.

But today was better. I got up early, for no reason, and just went to work. Seriously... I was an hour early. So I took my time getting everything ready for the day. It was nice.

So that was my week. I didn't do much in the way of working on my diet, but I had other things on my mind. I will say that I did hit my ActiveLink base line 6 of 7 days and hit my goal 3 of 7 days, though I was really close 2 other days. And I logged my food this morning. Then again I did have McDonald's breakfast and that's the worst thing in terms of points I could chose to eat. Just something I need to work on.


02 May 2015

I made this!

I've been working with media media collage and stencils.

In other words... I've been arting!!

Here are my latest masterpieces.

I also have a triptych that I'm wishy-washy about showing to people. And I don't have pictures, so I guess I'm not showing them right now either.


Anyway, I really like this style. I have two more pieces in my head right now. Putting them on canvas is gonna be the hard part.
